The war in Ukraine has challenged the global world order and created division over the stance on the issue. The differences over Ukraine are visible at the international level. Some powers choose to stay neutral and some have backed Ukraine. The question is war in Ukraine have created a security dilemma for other regional states? Do they have a choice? or do they have to deal with the consequences of war that include refugees and instability for them.
Global powers have to deal with security dilemmas. The war in Ukraine has a theatre of war to Eastern Europe. The US has offered support to Ukraine and sanctions were imposed on Russia. EU countries have shifted their policy of regional engagement to expanding their defense through reconsidering their defense policy. The European states called Russia's invasion a threat to them and brought forward the differences over Ukraine.
Regional players including Turkey and Belarus had to deal with uncertainty in regional politics. Turkey has offered to mediate between Russia and Ukraine to stabilize their relations and ensure regional stability which is essential for their progress in the region. Turkey supports US and EU stance to back Ukraine. Belarus has opposed the Russian invasion that posed threat to their security and economic growth.
The stability and security of the world depend on the role of all the states to prevent conflicts at the international level. The policies that flare up war can have a destructive impact on the security of the entire world. The issue of reduction in the defense budget is often brought up by regional and global powers to secure peace with dialogue. The recent example of War in Ukraine has become a stimulus of increase in defense spending. Germany has announced to expand their defense capacity after the invasion of Ukraine by Russia.
Differences between global and international stakeholders are apparent after the invasion of Ukraine. China has pursued a policy of caution and abstained from supporting any party of the conflict. US and NATO have actively aided through weapon supply and economic support for Ukraine against Russia. Since every country has its independent policies but there is cooperation on global and regional issues that threaten the stability of the world order.
The world order can be strengthened through transparency and equitable distribution of power. The role of the United Nations is often criticised for not been able to stabilize power as an international organization having representation of all the nations of the world. In case of conflict to adopt collective action needs collective effort that is possible through equitable representations of all states.
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