Mental health is discussed by psychologists in various ways. Mental health can be defined as the ability to function and do anything with a stable mind and keeping a check on emotions as well. The ability to perform natural Brain functions. Some stimuli trigger brain activity which prevents synchronization in performing any activity.
It happens due to multiple reasons which can affect the normal function of the mind. The human mind can take external and internal pressure on the brain. The threshold where normal pressure in form of the stress, anxiety, and depression exceeds without a certain limit. Normal brain function gets disturbed by excessive pressure. The people and particularly, sportsperson had to face immense mental pressure.
The sportsperson had to go through rigorous training and handling media which require tact and strategy without losing your mental calmness. For example, press conferences are crucial for sports players to able to talk about their game regardless of fact that they won or lose the game. It can be about the individual performance pressure is a part and parcel of the game. The game has an impact on the mental health of individuals.
One of the main factors that influence brain functionality is sound. The sports ground and press conferences have a lot of noise around them. It hinders brain function in the long run if this situation persists for long. The sportsperson who stays in limelight often gets stressed by too much noise around them. It is impossible at times to focus on their game which affects their performance.
The devices that block sound can help them to relax and get adequate sleep to perform their activities with alertness and focus. The calmer is a device used for blocking sound that distracts the mind. Mental calmness is key to your mental health check. It is a key indicator to gauge mental health among people and specifically in the context of a sportsperson.
According to mind scientists, mental health becomes a major issue for people in the age of social media. In minutes views and feedback flood on the game and sportsperson performance in the game. Social media put immense pressure on the mind of sportspersons. It can be avoided by training them to practice calmness of mind through specially designed activities to make minds more vigilant of changing situations in a game and its feedback during and after the game.
The linkage of sound with sports is not something that is not widely discussed. Sound beyond a certain limit can disrupt mental activities as it strained the brain. The strain can lead to other problems of aggression and frustration. When sports players are aggressive they lose sight of the game. Sportspersons are trained to tackle pressure situations and stay calm with the increasing role of social media before, during, and after games.
For example, Osaka during the tennis tournament refuses to attend a press conference that started a new debate of sportsperson and pressure of media in and towards game add more complexity to the equation of sports, sportsperson, and game.
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