Bosnia and Herzegovina is home to one of the world's most complicated systems of governance. It is divided among ethnic lines, that have loopholes in its constitution. Civil rights and other constitutional rights are not implemented due to differences. The constitution was adopted after the approval of the people of both units. Dayton peace accord was the basis of the constitutional changes. It was a result of the deprivation of rights of the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is largely dominated by Serbs that have inclinations towards the Greater Serbia. The idea is based on making a Serb-dominated state. They have been accused of mass killings of their people.
The international criminal court has convicted Radovan Karadzic Bosnian Serb for genocide and war crimes in Bosnia. The killings condemn my international human rights agencies and Radovan was imprisoned in Hague. The narrative of greater Serbia was used to kill people on ethnic lines in Herzegovina and Bosnia. The invasion of Ukraine by Russia can influence the position of Bosnia, Russia has supported Serbs in the conflict that creates apprehensions over their role.
The demands for the republic of Srpska as an entity have helped to strengthen the position of Serbs. Dayton agreement was signed to end the 3 years war in former socialist Yugoslavia. At present, if the republic of Srpska succeeds with help of Serbia and Corates it would stir up more issues as Bosnia has reservations on the Dayton agreement and intentions of Serbia. In past, they have superseded the rights of Bosnia.
Serbia was only a signatory of international armed conflict to give legitimacy to the sovereignty of Bosnia. Serbia is not a guarantor of the Dayton agreement. It can become an issue if Serbia interferes in the process of making their sovereign state. The neutral body is required that can keep a check on Serbian intervention in Bosnia's independence process to use their legitimacy for the demand of the independent state.
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