In the recent case of Ukraine Russia blames US and Allies for using Cold War ideology against Russia. China showed support to Russia. Both are against the expansion of NATO and have strong ties especially in case of economic and military partnership is not a new phenomenon. They have conducted a number of military exercises to strengthen their bilateral relations. China and Russia share common interests to keep a check up on the increasing power of the US and Allies in global politics. West has threatened to impose sanctions on Russia if the escalation increased with Ukraine. China provides economic support to Russia by alternative means of payment.
China is maintaining stable relations with the US. In case of Russian support over Ukraine could strain China relations with the US. China will face challenges of creating resentment from the West if they provide support to Russia. China is one of the major trading partners for Europe. The options for China are limited to risk their trade or supporting Russia against the expansion of the US and Allies. Is balancing the power equation in global power politics worth the effort for China or not? It is not an easy decision for China to support Russia over the Ukraine crisis.
The world order is determined by the positing of key players in case of conflict. The balance of power by making alliances or counter alliances is back to the center stage of the global power arena. That is the question that puzzles analysts and political scientists. China-Russia would be able to prevent the inclusion of Ukraine into the NATO security alliance? It is something they will decide in the coming few months as the conflict unfolds. There is no one formula or solution is there to resolve the recent conflict between Russia and Ukraine. The experts are assessing all possible scenarios of how this issue will reach its climax.
The global powers will lock their horns over Ukraine to attain superiority or would lead to a win-win strategy for all stakeholders. China has been engaged with the US at the global level. China also share friendly relations with Russia and supported them to balance off any efforts to disturb the balance of power. Russia and China in the face of complex global challenges work towards strategic coordination and international fairness. In the statement released by the Kremlin at China Winter Olympics, the two countries "believe that certain States, military and political alliances and coalitions seek to obtain, directly or indirectly, unilateral military advantages to the detriment of the security of others."
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